1See, for example,
Marsden, [1994].
1.1 shows the allegorical frontispiece of the
Encyclopédie, which was described by the artist in the following
way "We see the Sciences in the act of discovering Truth. Reason
and Metaphysics try to remove her veil. Theology waits for her light
from a ray originating in the Sky: next to her Memory and History,
ancient and modern. Next and below are the Sciences. On the other
side Imagination approaches with a garland, to adorn Truth. Beneath
her are the various Poetries and Arts. At the bottom are several
Skills deriving from the Sciences and the Arts." A detailed
commentary is given by May, [1973],
available at
3Diderot and d'Alembert, [1751-77]
4Johnson, [1755]
5or in later abstracted editions A dictionary
of the English language: in which the words are deduced from their
originals, explained in their different meanings, and authorized
by the names of the writers in whose works they are found
6Cited in Lynch, [2003], p5
7Figure 1.2 is from
8Macaulay, [1898], v1, p54
9Macaulay, [1898], v1, p324
10Macaulay, [1898], v1, p335
11Macaulay, [1898], v1, p350
12Macaulay, [1898], v2, p89
13Macaulay, [1898], v1, pXV
14Between the writing of Macaulay and Cheyney stands
F. H. Bradley's The Presuppositions of Critical History,
first published in 1874. This work was regarded as a foundation of
the "scientific" approach to history. The scientistic
aspects of Bradley's approach were criticized by
R. G. Collingwood, as has been described by Rubinoff, [1996]
p137-8 as follows: "In keeping with the tradition of Hume and
J.S.Mill, Bradley conceived the `scientific method' along the lines
of the methods of the natural sciences. He was, to this extent, a
positivist for whom the natural sciences provided the paradigm of
rationality against which all other modes of rationality are to be
measured. The historical method thus becomes a mere species of the
universal method of science whose generic essence is determined by
what is in fact only one of its species, namely the species known as
natural science now elevated to the rank of a universal. Without
recognizing the category mistake involved in this equation Bradley
held this view of the scientific method together with the belief, as
we have already noted, that there was an essential difference
between the historical processes and those of nature. A Parte
Objecti, nature is the permanent amid change; history, the
changes of the permanent; natural events are mere illustrations,
while historical events are embodiments. It was left for Collingwood
to expose the inconsistency of these positions concerning the
methodology and ontology of history, and to articulate a conception
of method more in keeping with the ontological distinction between
nature and history to which both Collingwood and Bradley were
15Cheyney, [1924]
16Collingwood, [1940]
17My philosopher friends point out to me that the word
metaphysics is used more technically these days by many of them in
ways that are complementary to science. I am not here doubting that
metaphysics and science may have much to say to one another and may
be mutually supportive. What I am addressing is that in popular
perception, at least, metaphysics is in part defined by a
distinction from natural science
18Shapin, [1996]
19I am indebted to Hooykaas, [1972] for his
compact summary of scientific history, on which I depend heavily in
this section.
20Dawkins, [1986].
21Newton, [1687]
22Newton, [1672] cited by Westfall, [1993] p 89.
23Birch, [1966]
volume 5, p167-9.
24Michael Faraday, engraved by
J. Cochran, from National Portrait Gallery, volume V, published
c.1835, after the painting by Henry William Pickersgill.
25Stauffer, [1957]
retrieved from
26Macaulay, [1848]
27Bacon, [1605] Book 1, section v, paragraph 11
28Reproduced from the first edition in
MIT's Archives and Special Collections by kind permission. With
particular thanks to Stephen Skuce, Rare Books Program Coordinator.
29Newton, [1672a]
available at NATP00006
30See for example Mitton, [1978]. Or a more recent
discussion is found in
Stephenson and Green, [2003]
Figure 2.4 credit
NASA/ESA, , J. Hester and A. Loll (Arizona State University), 2005. 8 8 14234 114775:A-Giant-Hubble-Mosaic-of-the-Crab-N
33Figure 2.5 obtained from,
based on the data of Petit et al., [1999]
34Lisiecki and Raymo, [2005]
35Hess, [1997] p 16.
36Hess, [1997] p 28.
37Macaulay, [1898] Vol 3 p 71.
38Descartes, [1637]
available on line at
39Descartes, [1637] Part IV.
40There is some technical philosophical
debate as to whether "one plus one equals two" is a good example
of an analytic statement, but for present purposes I am glossing
over some nuances
41Figure 3.1 from\%E2\%80\%99s_K48_Kilogram.jpg
reliance on an artifact is considered somewhat unsatisfactory. For
one thing it now seems to disagree with its replicas to a measurable
extent. There are proposals afoot to change the definition. So far,
though, the replacement techniques are substantially less precise
than using the standard artifacts. See the article by Robert P
Crease in "Physics World", Volume 24, No 3, March 2011, p39.
43Ziman, [1978].
44Ruse, [2000] p78.
45One of the more extreme versions of this position is
"eliminative materialism". The common-sense interpretation of the
behavior in terms of agents is termed "folk psychology". And
eliminative materialism eagerly anticipates the displacement of folk
psychology by neurophysiology. Eliminativism holds that the mental
concepts such as beliefs, desires, and subjective experiences do not
actually exist.
Its champions include G.Rey,
B.F.Skinner, P.M. and P.S.Churchland, and (with a technically
different twist) Daniel Dennett.
46Dawkins, [1986] p 12ff.
47MacKay, [1974] p 43.
48Monod, [1972] p 21.
49At least, not
e.g. according to logical positivist philosopher of science, Ernest
Nagel, "It is a mistaken assumption that teleological explanations
are intelligible only if the things and activities so explained are
conscious agents or the products of such agents."Nagel, [1961] p
51Hayek, [1955], p 13.
52An important recent historical study
of nineteeth-century scientism is Olson, [2008], which reviews and
expands on much the same topics.
53Hayek, [1955] p 120.
54Hayek, [1955] p 170.
55From The New World of Henri Saint-Simon Frank
Manuel, Harvard University Press (1956) cited by Olson, [2008] p
56Hayek, [1955] p 153
57See Olson, [2008] pp 185-7.
developments in the foundations of mathematics were later to correct
the over-confidence that a complete axiomatic understanding of
mathematics was in hand.
59Haack, [2003] chapter 2.
60The Old and New Logic, Rudolph Carnap,
in Logical Positivism A. J. Ayer (ed), Free Press of Glencoe
(1959) p 145. Cited by Haack, [2003] p 32.
61Popper, [2002]
62Hempel, [1945]
63Duhem, [1954] p 187,
available at
64Quine, [1951]
65Kuhn, [1962]
66Feyerabend, [1975]
67See for example Kitcher, [1983].
68See Giberson, [2008] p 94.
69The ID movement's primary claim is that design in
nature can be detected scientifically.
It denies far less of scientific
cosmology than the earlier Creation Science movement.
70For example Moreland, [1989].
71Chalmers, [1999], p250.
72I am
here using the expression natural law as an
abbreviation for laws of nature, not as a reference to a basis for
civil laws rooted in nature.
73Gardner, [1970].
74Squires, [2004].
75Dawkins, [1986] p 39.
76Dawkins, [1986] p 287.
77Philosophers answer
this question by saying that there is a qualitative difference in
the type of thing that is being referred to. God as Final Cause is
not subject to infinite regress because reference to Final Cause is
not the same type of explanation as reference to law of nature or to
history. To treat them as the same sort of thing is a Category
78Accessible at
79Available at
80Miller, [2002] p 166.
81Miller, [2002] p 167.
82on Teaching Evolution, [1998] p 58, at
83Provine, [1988]
cited by Miller, [2002] p 171.
84Johnson, [2003a] p 93
85Johnson, [2003b] p 25.
86The first meaning, {1}scientific
naturalism, is an extension of
which "assumes the entire realm of nature to be a closed system of
material causes and effects, which cannot be influenced by anything
from `outside'," to scientific naturalism, which "makes the
same point by starting with the assumption that science, which
studies only the natural, is our only reliable path to
knowledge".' [Johnson, [1991] p114,115] I've already
pointed out the problematical character of the use of "nature" or
"natural" as if we intuitively know what they mean. In my
terminology, what Johnson means by scientific naturalism is a
combination of physicalism and scientism. (This combining of
attributes is one cause of confusion.) I take it here that
Johnson's {2}science refers to the scientific epistemological
enterprise, the attempt to understand the world as far as it can be
understood through the methods of natural science. He leaves it
unclear whether the {1}physicalism actually is a limitation of
{2}science, or whether it is just said to be. However Johnson's
view is that adopting physicalism places (by implication improperly)
the limitations of {2}science upon reality. This far the argument
sounds pretty close to the view I've been advocating. Indeed, I'd
say it is about right. But then the terminological fog descends. He
says this limitation of reality is "in the interest of maximizing
the explanatory power of {3}science". What can this mean? I
don't see how it can really mean a maximization of the correct
explanations of reality by the scientific epistemological
enterprise. Limiting reality doesn't increase the explanatory extent
of {2}science. Instead, I think it can only rationally mean that
applying {2}science's limitations improperly to all of reality
provides improper cultural power to the practitioners and
communities that go to make up {3}science. But then when he
advocates that we can study organisms on the premise that all were
created by God, {4}scientifically - if it means anything
different from what we already do in science - this must be yet a
different meaning of science. It must mean in accordance with a
different epistemological enterprise, not subject to these improper
limitations of physicalism. This final broader enterprise:
{4}science, we are to understand is (or would be) a Good Thing,
but what is it? Perhaps one should regard {4}science as being
simply systematic knowledge, or in other words, the historical
definition of science of the Encyclopédie or of Collingwood, even
though that definition does not readily lend itself to
transformation into an adjective or adverb. But to revert suddenly
to that archaic usage in the middle of a discourse that has plainly
been using the word in the modern sense is very peculiar.
87Johnson, [2003b] p 31.
88Darwin, [1794] available at
89Lamarck, [1809] translations cited
90Hawkins, [1997] p 42.
91A Desmond The Politics of
Evolution 1989, cited by Hawkins, [1997] p 43.
92Hawkins, [1997] p 34.
93Spencer, [1852] available at
94Autobiography I 502, cited by Hawkins, [1997] p 84.
95Spencer, [1873] p 86. Available at
96Hofstadter, [1944] p 31.
97Hofstadter, [1944] p 35.
98Bulmer, [2003] p 79, citing Galton's Inquiries into Human Faculty.
99Galton, [1865] p 164, cited by Bulmer, [2003].
100Galton, [1865] p 165.
101Galton Hereditary
Genius 1869, p3 62, cited by Bulmer, [2003] p82.
102Kelves, [1995] p
94, cited by Bulmer, [2003] p 83.
103From Eugenics. Its
definition and scope 1904, cited by Bulmer, [2003] p 83.
104Bulmer, [2003] p 89, citing Kühl, [1994].
105Hayek, [1955] p 107.
106Kinsey, [1948].
107Wilson, [1978] p 6.
108Wilson, [1978] p 7.
109Wilson, [1978] p 32.
110Wilson, [1978] p 33.
111Allen et al., [1975] available at
112Wilson, [1978] p 196.
113Wilson, [1978] p 198.
114Wilson, [1978] p 201.
prefer the designation `physicalist' to the perhaps more widespread
`materialist' because materialism logically implies a more specific
basis in matter, which is contradicted by modern theories of
physics. But I don't mean to draw philosophically significant
distinction between physicalism and a loose meaning of materialism:
that everything in the world is made from entities that obey the
laws of physics.
116Sorell, [1991] p4.
117Papineau, [2000]
118Papineau, [2000] p 178.
119In Eddington's famous analogy,
Eddington, [1939].
120Thagard, [2010] p8.
121Thagard, [2010] p41.
122Thagard, [2010] p15.
Scott of the National Center for Science Education has frequently
made the assertion that ID is a ßcience stopper." See, for
example, Ëvolution and Intelligent Design," September 28, 2001,
Religion and Ethics Newsweekly, Episode no. 504, at
124It might be argued
that sociology of scientific knowledge, and the strong program in
science studies, don't have all that much in common with postmodern
literary theory, with narrative, and with hermeneutics. But I am
avoiding fine distinctions with this admittedly broad-brush
depiction. And in the broad sense, the sociological critiques do
repudiate the `modern' (i.e. Enlightenment) view of science.
125Lyotard, [1984] p xxiv.
126Lyotard, [1984] p xxiii.
127Lyotard, [1984] p 7.
128Lyotard, [1984] p 18.
129Lyotard, [1984] p 27.
130Lyotard, [1984] pp 55ff.
131Gross and Norman, [1994] pp 86-8.
132Sokal and Bricmont, [1998].
133Beller, [1998]
134In an exchange in the
New York Review of Books, 3 October 1996
135It may be accessed
136The opinions
arising from a `peace' workshop have been published in
Labinger and Collins, [2001].
137Trevor Pinch in Labinger and Collins, [2001], p19
138A very
balanced, succinct outline has been given elsewhere by
Heal, [1990].
139Rorty, [1979] p12.
140Rorty, [1979] p317.
141Rorty, [1979] p142.
142Rorty, [1979] p146.
143Rorty, [1979] p170.
144Rorty, [1979] p317.
145Rorty, [1979] p320.
146Rorty, [1979] p332.
147Rorty, [1979] p352.
148It should not escape our notice that Kuhn's
scientific "revolutions", analogous in Rorty's mind to the
non-science state, are the heroic moments in the history of
science. So by this reading, non-sciences are the most exciting,
heroic, phase of knowledge.
149Middleton and Walsh, [1995] p 71.
150Habermas, [1971] p 306.
151Habermas, [1971] p 315.
152Harding, [1991] p 15.
153Harding, [1991] p 5.
154Harding, [1991] p 10.
155Harding, [1991] p 40.
156Alvares, [1988] p 89.
157Alvares, [1988] p 91
158Shiva, [1988] p 232.
159Ellul, [1964] p (x).
160Ellul, [1964] p 59.
161Ellul, [1964] p 84.
162Ellul, [1964] p 92.
163Ellul, [1964] p 96.
164Ellul, [1964] p 128.
165Ellul, [1964] p 134.
166Ellul, [1964] p 430.
167Postman, [1993] p 48.
168Postman, [1993] p 161.
169Postman, [1993] p 184.
170Postman, [1993] p 198.
171I use the
adjective militant in its standard dictionary definition and usage
to mean vigorously active and aggressive, especially in support of a
cause. Though its derivation is of course associated with warfare,
it does not necessarily imply literal violence. Moreover, while I
criticize the recent atheist militancy as misinformed and misleading
especially in their scientism, I intend the word militant as a
factual description not as an insult
172Dawkins, [2006] p 48.
173Dawkins, [2006] p 50.
174Dawkins, [2006] p 58.
175Dawkins, [2006] p 57.
176Dawkins, [2006] p 58.
177Pinker, [1999] p X.
178Pinker, [1999] p 156.
179Pinker, [1999] p 166.
180Pinker, [1999] p 451-2.
181Sulloway, [1995].
182Pinker, [1999] p 555.
183Dennett, [2006] p 9.
184Dennett, [2006] p 14.
185Dennett, [2006] p 17.
186Dennett, [2006] p
187Dennett, [2006] p 30.
188Dennett, [2006] p 33.
don't see how this is really a worry, because religious believers
presumably don't think that killing all the specimens of religion
is possible, and atheists don't worry about it, they want it.
190Dennett, [2006] p 43.
191Dennett, [2006] p 68.
192Dennett, [2006] p 70.
193Fig 9.1 is the first
figure from Gould and Lewontin, [1979], reproduced by permission.
194Dennett, [2006] p 114.
195Ahouse and Berwick, [1998,Kitcher, [1985,Orr, [2003].
Originally published in the Summer 1998 issue of Boston Review.
197Allen et al., [1975].
Originally published in the Summer 1998 issue of Boston Review.
199Dennett, [2006] p 70.
200I don't mean to say that the atheists
claim to have disproved religion logically. Scientific
demonstration is, after all, not formally deductive. Their predominant
claim is that the "God Hypothesis" is shown by science to be highly
unlikely. Lest it be thought that I am overstating the atheists'
claims, I cite the title to Victor J Stenger's 2008 opus, fulsomely
endorsed by Christopher Hitchens: The
God Hypothesis-How Science Shows That God Does Not Exist.
201Polanyi, [1958] p286.
202Polanyi, [1958] p284.
203Polanyi, [1958] p 279,280.
204Dawkins, [2006] p 181.
205Dawkins, [2006] p 184.
206Dawkins, [2006] p 187.
207Pascal, [1958] Pensée 894, originally
published posthumously in 1670.
for example Stark, [2003] or d'Souza, [2007], for a discussion of
the estimates of deaths under the Inquisition relative to Stalinism
and Nazism.
209Dawkins, [2006] p 271. Any thoughtful observer
who has paid any attention to what Martin Luther King actually said
and wrote must acknowledge that his Christian faith is absolutely
central to his motivation and to his arguments.
210Dawkins, [2006] p 278.
211A recent scholarly study of the question of
religious violence, Cavanaugh, [2009], shows how (and why) most
commentators fail to maintain a stable meaning for the term. It also
shows that the religious nature of the so-called "Wars of
Religion" is largely a myth.
212Gould, [1999] p 5.
213James Clerk Maxwell
famously responded in very similar terms to the Bishop of Glouster
and Wells concerning the significance of the "aether".
214Gould, [1999] p 42.
215Biagioli, [1996]
216White, [1896].
217Gould, [1999] p 94.
believe the misinterpretation of the first amendment to exclude
religion from schools is the dominant factor.
219Gould, [1999] p 154.
obtained from
221White was
careful to draw a distinction between sectarian theology,
meaning broadly doctrinal or confessional Christian faith which his
book condemned, and his own vaguer liberal religiosity, which he
regarded as enlightened, but which excluded any requirement of
Christian orthodoxy
222Birch, [1966] volume 5, p 508ff.
223Augustine of Hippo and Teske, [1991] 1, 20 available on line as
passage number 1685 in Jurgens, [1979].
224Bacon, [1605], cited by Darwin in the front
page of the Origin of Species.
225See for example
Alexander, [2001] chapter 6, for a summary of the content of the
early geological rivalries.
226A D White's tendentious chapter
on Higher Criticism is rife with expressions of this sort, even to
the point of invoking approvingly Auguste Comte's
positivism. Perhaps this is appropriate since the positivist George
Eliot was the first to translate the works of the German critics
Strauss and Feuerbach into English.
227Jaki, [1978].
228And, by derivation, Judaism, but I can't
represent modern Judaism knowledgeably.
229Whitehead, [1948] p 13.
230Whitehead, [1948] p 19.
231Hooykaas, [1972] p xiii.
232Hooykaas, [1972] p9.
233See for example the 50 year anniversary talk by Chris
Stringer, 2003. On-line at
234It might be argued that the
Enemy, Satan, is responsible for this deception, but such a view is
not consistent with Christian understanding of God's sovereignty.
235Gosse, [1857].
236Cited in Thwaite, [2002]
238Title 46 part
46. Available
239Coulson, [1958] p86.
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